Justifying the installation of a traffic signal requires considerable data collection and analysis. The following data must be collected and analyzed:
• Traffic volumes by approach and movement during 12 hours of an average day
• Pedestrian counts in crosswalks
• Information on nearby facilities and activity centers that serve the young, elderly, and/or disabled
• Posted or statutory speed limits or the 85th percentile speeds on the uncontrolled approaches
• Collision diagrams of recent crashes
• Condition diagram of the intersection
The MUTCD lists nine warrants for the placement of traffic signals, as summarized below (please refer to Chapter 4C of the MUTCD for details):
1. Eight-hour vehicular volume. The volume of intersecting traffic is sufficiently high to consider installing a traffic control signal, or the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that traffic on a minor intersecting street suffers excessive delay or conflict in entering or crossing the major street.
2. Four-hour vehicular volume. The volume of intersecting traffic is sufficiently high to consider installing a traffic control signal.
3. Peak hour volume. Traffic conditions are such that for a minimum of one hour of an average day, the minor street traffic suffers undue delay when entering or crossing the major street.
4. Pedestrian volume. Traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that pedestrians experience excessive delay in crossing the major street.
5. School crossing. The frequency and adequacy of gaps in the traffic flow are insufficient for schoolchildren crossing the major street.
6. Coordinated signal system. The installation of a traffic signal as part of a coordinated signal system at an unsignalized intersection would provide progressive movement and maintain vehicle platooning.
7. Crash experience. Other alternatives do not decrease crashes, and the severity and frequency of crashes are correctable by use of a traffic signal.
8. Roadway network. A signal installation would encourage traffic flow concentration and organization on the roadway network.
9. Intersection near a grade crossing. An intersection approach controlled by a stop or yield sign is in close proximity to a railroad grade crossing.
If none of these warrants are met, a traffic signal should not be installed. In addition, the fulfillment of a warrant or warrants does not in itself justify the installation of a signal.
Installing a traffic signal at a low-volume intersection can significantly increase delays and crashes. The length of delay is directly related to a number of factors. For example, one factor is cycle length, which is influenced by traffic volumes and the need to safely accommodate pedestrian crossing times. As noted above, the increase in delay and stops then translates into higher fuel consumption, increased travel times, and higher point source emissions. Additionally, although traffic signals can reduce the total number of crashes at an intersection, research has shown that certain types of crashes (e.g., rear-end collisions) may actually increase after a signal is installed. For this reason, the type and number of crashes at an intersection should be considered before the installation of a traffic signal.